Amiga Plus 2002 #11
Amiga Plus CD - 2002 - No. 11.iso
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Version ID Date Message
EPICpre1 - 11/15/94 1st ever beta version of EPIC client (+11.1)
EPIC1 - 12/01/94 Original EPIC client.
EPIC1.001 - 12/07/94 Fixed bugs in numbers.c found by Nicknac
and Primo.
EPIC1.002 - 12/09/94 Fixed bugs in names.c, alias.c, irc.c found by
Kanan, and Nicknac.
EPIC1.003 - 12/16/94 Fixed bugs in alias.c found by oldpink
added new feature /set PAD_CHAR sug. by Primo
EPIC1.004 - 02/15/95 Fixed bug in alias.c found by sunil
EPIC2pre1 - 03/01/95 Beta Version of EPIC2
EPIC2pre1.1 - 03/01/95 Fixes bug in DCC and exec -msg (TBA)
EPIC2pre1.2 - 03/02/95 Fixes bug with /userhost (WintrHawk)
EPIC2pre1.3 - 03/08/95 Quite a few bug fixes
EPIC2pre1.4 - 03/09/95 Emptied out the outstanding bug list
EPIC2pre2 - 03/15/95 2nd Beta Version of EPIC2 - more bugs fixed
EPIC2pre3 - 03/20/95 3rd Beta Version of EPIC2 - more features
EPIC2pre4 - 03/29/95 4th Beta Version of EPIC2 - more features
EPIC2pre5 - 04/03/95 5th+Final Beta Version of EPIC2 - more features
EPIC2 - 04/10/95 EPIC client V2.0
EPIC2.001 - Bug fixes
EPIC2.002 - Bug fixes
EPIC2.003 - (not released)Bug fixes/floating point support
EPIC3pre1 - 05/16/95 Beta version of EPIC3
EPIC3pre2 - 06/17/95 2nd Beta Version of EPIC3 - more features
EPIC3pre3 - 09/13/95 3rd Beta Version of EPIC3 - more features
EPIC3pre3.1 - 09/14/95 Bug fixes
EPIC3pre3.2 - 09/18/95 Bug fixes
EPIC3pre3.3 - 10/02/95 Bug fixes
EPIC3pre4 - 11/20/95 4th Beta version of EPIC3 - Bug fixes
EPIC3pre5 - 11/27/95 5th+Final Beta version of EPIC3 - bug fixes
EPIC3pre6 - 12/10/95 6th Beta version (yes, another one) bug fixes
EPIC3pre7 - 01/16/96 7th Beta version - more features, bug fixes
EPIC3pre8 - 02/28/96 8th Beta version - more of the same
EPIC3 - 04/21/96 EPIC client V3.0
EPIC3.001 - 10/14/96 Major enhancements, efficiency, bugs.
EPIC3.002 - 11/01/96 Minor enhancements, bug fixes
EPIC3.003 - 01/13/97 Moderate enhancements, bug fixes
EPIC3.004 - 01/29/97 Bug fixes
EPIC4pre1 - 07/14/97 Beta version of EPIC4
EPIC4pre2 - 07/13/98 2nd Beta Version of EPIC4
EPIC4pre2.002 - 02/22/99 3rd Beta Version of EPIC4
EPIC4pre2.003 - 02/24/99 Fixes three bugs, found by robohak, alphaa
EPIC4-1.0 - 04/01/01 EPIC client V4.0
EPIC4-1.0.1 - 04/17/01 Bug fixes